Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Resolution Time, People

As much as I hate it, I unwillingly make resolutions.

You know--lose weight, read more, etc.

So, I thought I'd share my goals for 2012 and see what everyone else is resolving to do in the new year.

#1. Read through the Bible chronologically. Our church is doing this, and since I've never done it in chronological order, I'm excited to see how things flow together.

#2. Get down to my just married size. We've ousted the scale at the Panter home, so I'm just going on size here. I'm currently about two sizes aways, and I would really, really like to be able to go to the pool without wearing shorts and a shirt over my swimsuit--ha!

#3. Organize and Simplify. I've already started going through my 1,012 junk drawers and closets, so, hopefully that's a start.

#4. Use less. Less electricity, less non-sustainable items, less harmful products. I'm hoping to start line drying our clothes soon, as well as change as many cleaning products as I can to homemade, non-toxic mixtures.

#5. Be intentional. For me, this means having a daily plan for Sawyer. I'm thinking of gong somewhat lesson plan style ( I'd love to hear input on this!). It also means using my time well when the hubs is home. Another post (or more) to on this intentional notion.

I am thoroughly excited about 2012. Are you? I'd love to hear resolutions and thoughts!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Less is More

I think I'm drinking the less is more kool-aid, folks.

Less (or no) electricty

No (unnecessary) buying

Whole, organic food only

No bottled water

No unnecessary travelling via automobile

Can I (and more importantly, my family) commit to something like this?

I think we can. And not only will it be good for the earth and all that, it will be saving money and rearranging our outlooks. James and I are both material junkies. The iPad, the hair products, the new shoes, the video games. We have our lives revolving around these things.

But what if we pushed it aside--even for just 3 months. Maybe it would open the door for a closer relationship to Jesus. Maybe it would brighten our marriage. Maybe Sawyer would grow up learning that using your imagination is a wonderful thing.

So, as we begin the lovely year of 2012, here are our family Less is More goals:

-No more than 5 hours of television in a 7 day week (baby steps, people)

-Organic only meats and chicken, milk, and eggs. We have venison instead of beef, and that is 100% o-nat-u-ral. We will also be doing our best to eliminate processed foods. (again, baby steps) No individually wrapped convenience items (i.e. candy bars, snack packs), and way less paper towels.

-Between the hours of 7:30 and 3:00 ( for at least four days a week) no lights or heat/air conditioning (we have a wood burning fireplace that will make up for the heat and lots of windows). On gloomy and frigid days, we'll keep the candles going and the heat around 60.

-Limit my trips to town to once every two weeks (we live in the sticks so automobile is pretty much the only way to get anywhere)

-No buying any clothes, shoes, or personal items unless absolutely necessary. Since Sawyer is a growing munchkin, he'll likely need an item or two, but I'll definitely check thrift stores first.

There are so many other things I wish I could do like plant a garden, walk or bike to places instead of use a car, etc., but where we currently live just doesn't give allowance. I'd also love to be able to say I'll only buy unprocessed organic food, but the reality is that I'm on a super tight budget. I do, however, want to see what I can do on my tiny budget. Who knows, maybe my utility bill will be low enough to allow for extra in groceries. Maybe our very American appetites will lessen and we won't feel like we need as much food.

I'm pretty excited about this little project. Anyone else out there wanna join?

Be sure to follow/link up to my blog!

Much love,

Sunday, June 12, 2011

15 Months

15 months
 I cannot believe it--honestly, how did this happen?

 I am the momma to a 15 month old little boy!

 He is perfect in every way, so incredibly smart and witty, and already has the sweetest heart.

 He is full of life and joy and curiosity.

 He makes my days perfect when he grabs both sides of my face with his capable little hands and plants a big wet one on me.

 I love that when we ask him where is belly is, he lifts his shirt well up over his head, and stick his little finger right into his belly button.

 I love that as soon as the camera comes out, and we ask him to "say cheese,"  he knows right away to crinkle up his big blue eyes, and flash his charming, toothy smile.

 I love his obsession with pointing out everything in the house, then repeating me as I spout out the names of everything his inquisitive little mind can think to point out.

 Ball, light, da-da, ma-ma, pa-pa, dog, ber-ber (the cat), book, hi, and bye-bye are all in his vocabulary.

 Moo, meow, arf, quack, hiss, grrrr, baa, and roar are all the cute little animal sounds he can make.

 His little head shakes "no" when he doesn't want something (like when we asked if he wanted a little brother or sister anytime soon. :)).

 His arms assume the universal shrug for "where is it" or "I don't know" when we look for things.

 His tall, slim self is constantly compelled to climb everything, jump over anything, and eat just about anything.

 He is a talking machine, and a ham to boot (definitely a miniature James).

 He loves to investigate and talk to other babies and kids.

 He already loves to give things to everyone--I hope he retains that through life.

 He still has an enormous love for books and bouncy balls. :)

 It is such a joy and privilege to be able to raise a child.

 It is, at times, overwhelming to think that I am responsible for teaching him about life.

 It is my responsibility to teach him how to be a respectable citizen of the world.

 It is my responsibility to teach him about loving others.

 It is my responsibility, most importantly, to teach him about Jesus.

 Once again, I am just in awe of God's grace.

 And once again, I count myself most blessed.