Sunday, January 8, 2012

Tea Wreath

For this last Christmas, I decided to try to do as many handmade gifts as possible.

Unfortunately, there's a fine line between  "thanks for putting all your time and energy into this, but I'll never really use this" and "wow, thanks for taking time out to make this because as soon as you saw this you thought of me and knew I'd get some use out of it."

So, when I saw a Tea Wreath tutorial during my crafty gift hunt on Pinterest, I immediately knew I had found a useful and thoughtful handmade gift idea--specifically for my mom-in-law and sister-in-law, both avid tea drinkers.

The craft was super cheap, and amazingly simple.

Here is a link to the full tutorial: Tea Wreath Tutorial.

And believe it or not, I actually remembered to take a few pictures while I was making mine!


(front--sorry for small image and poor quality--stinking old iphone!)

(MIL's tea wreath)

(SIL's tea wreath)

Did you make or receive any homemade gifts for Christmas or your birthday? I'd love to hear about them and what you think about making and receiving homemade gifts!



  1. And I've already refilled mine -- I love having it hanging -- it's handy and it helps me to see easily what my choices I'd not had Lady Green or English Breakfast teas in a long time and it was a nice treat! :)

  2. What a neat idea! I got some homemade & gave some homemade gifts this year! I really prefer them above anything store bought... I'm trying to be more intentional in my gift giving (& money spending) this year... So far I am enjoying the challenge!

  3. Mama D--I'm *so* glad you like it! I'm thinking about making one for myself.

    Brittany--It is a fun challenge! Don't you just love sites like Pinterest and all these other crafty lady blogs? Oh goodness, how I get carried away!
